Pharmacology is a vibrant area of biomedical science that studies drug action – how medicines and other drugs interact with other molecules in the body and how those affect the body. In general terms, pharmacology is the science of drug action on biological systems. It includes two closely associated areas: Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics. Pharmacodynamics is the study of the molecular, biochemical, and physiological effects of drugs on cellular systems and their mechanisms of action. Pharmacokinetics deals with the absorption, distribution, and excretion of drugs. Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic aspects of action of chemical agents also apply to related areas of study, including toxicology and therapeutics. As a scientific discipline, pharmacology lies at the heart of biomedical science, linking together chemistry, physiology and pathology. Pharmacology is crucial for discovering new medicines to help fight various diseases and essential for improving the effectiveness and reducing the unwanted side effects of medicines. The Department of Pharmacology is one of the pre-clinical departments in Rajshree Medical Research Institute. The objective of the department is to provide quality preclinical and clinical education in pharmacology and therapeutics for medical students, to educate and train them to carry out basic research of recognized excellence.
Pedagogy & Facilities
The broad goal of teaching pharmacology to the students is to inculcate a rational and scientific basis of therapeutics in them. The Department has well qualified experienced faculty members and support staff who work together to advance the forefronts of new knowledge to develop novel therapeutic approaches for treatment of disease. The effective teaching style of the faculty members engages students in the learning process and helps them in developing critical thinking skills. The Department of Pharmacology has excellent facilities and equipment to perform a variety of methods &research techniques.It is well equipped with communal facilities for microscopy, molecular biology, cell culture, centrifugation, liquid scintillation counting and computing. Members of the Department also have access to many inter-departmental facilities.Core Competencies of the department includes Immunology, Serology, Aerobic bacteriology, Antimicrobial testing, Anaerobic bacteriology, Mycobateriology, Mycology, Parasitology, Molecular biology, etc.
Key Features
- Well qualified experienced faculty members and support staff
- Research mentoring for students
- Guidance and personal support
- Student Career support
- Integrated teaching practice
Key Specialist