Microbiology is the study of organisms, most of which are too small to be seen with the naked eye, including bacteria, algae, protozoa, fungi, viruses, prions, etc. Micro-biologists study these organisms using tools, like microscopes, genetics, and culturing. The goal of teaching Microbiology is to provide understanding of the natural history of infections and infectious diseases and prevention of these diseases. Micro-biology provides knowledge and laboratory skills in the structure, physiology, genetics, pathogenicity, ecology, and taxonomy of microorganisms. Microbiology department at Rajshree Institute deals with the diagnosis of infections caused by microorganisms. Department of Micro-biology follows a course curriculum laid down by MJP Rohilkhand University, Bareilly.
The department has upgraded and adopted the most advanced diagnostic facilities as a commitment to provide quality care. The main objective of the department is to educate and train the next generation of physicians, scientists, educators and entrepreneurs who will lead the fight against infectious and immune-mediated diseases. Another objective is to improve human health by carrying out cutting-edge, fundamental basic and translational research focusing on the bacteria, viruses and parasites that cause human disease and the immune system that responds to these pathogens.
Pedagogy & Facilities
The study areas in Micro-biology include General Micro-biology, Bacteriology, Immunology, Parasitology, Virology, Mycology, Clinical Microbiology, Hospital Acquired infection, etc. The pedagogy uses multiple modes of interactive delivery like lectures, demonstrations, readings, discussion of cases, problems, etc to understand theories/concepts in a better manner. Laboratory training is supplemented with rigorous coursework, practical, etc. The focus is given to quality education and research. The department actively serves the Institute mission of excellence in research, service and teaching. Faculty members of the department also serve on national advisory, foundation and journal editorial boards. They serve as journal editors, members, authors, chairs, etc. Most of the faculty members present their research findings at national and international conferences, seminars, and academic meetings. Laboratories of the department cater different services like Culture/ sensitivity, Stool examination for parasites, Serological tests, Operation theatre surveillance, etc.
Key Features:
- Provide an extraordinarily stimulating environment for learning
- Ability to answer questions of biological & clinical relevance
- Address the issues across disciplinary lines
- Approach research, education and training with the enthusiasm
- Unified faculty members with interests in the quality education and research
- Desire to understand the complex nature of normal and disease processes in both humans and model organisms
- Ability to intensively investigate and solve many fundamental problems
Microbiology is the study of organisms, most of which are too small to be seen with the naked eye and includes bacteria, algae, protozoa, and fungi, as well as acellular agents, such as viruses and prions. The medical students during their phase-II of medical program undergo training in department of microbiology and acquire knowledge and laboratory skill in the structure, physiology, genetics, pathogenicity, ecology, and taxonomy of microorganisms, human and animal infectious diseases, immunology, bacteriology, virology, molecular genetics.
Teaching –Learning Methodology:
The Microbiology subject is taught in three semesters of six months each, comprises of 300 teaching hours, adopting integrated approach in combination with other Para clinical and clinical subjects. The faculty formulate the learning objectives based on the course objectives and use appropriate T-L methodology for training sessions, which includes didactic lectures, tutorials, lecture cum demonstration, interactive lectures, problem solving session and structured quiz session on common clinical scenario with features of different type of communicable diseases. ?
Laboratory sessions include hands on skill development for diagnostic procedures in serology, virology, parasitology, mycology and molecular micro-biology using Objective structured practical examination (OSPE), presentations of clinical case scenario, and debriefing of problem-solving skills.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- State the infective micro-organisms of the human body and describe the host parasite relationship.
- List pathogenic micro-organisms (bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi) and describe the pathogenesis of the diseases produced by them.
- State or indicate the modes of transmission of pathogenic and opportunistic organisms and their sources, including insect vectors responsible for transmission of infection.
- Describe the mechanisms of immunity to infections.
- Acquire knowledge on suitable antimicrobial agents for treatment of infections and scope of immunotherapy and different vaccines available for prevention of communicable diseases.
- Apply methods of disinfection and sterilization to control and prevent hospital and community acquired infections.
- Recommend laboratory investigations regarding bacteriological examination of food, water, milk and air.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:
- Plan and interpret laboratory investigations for the diagnosis of infectious diseases and to correlate the clinical manifestations with the etiological agent.
- Identify the common infectious agents with the help of laboratory procedures and use antimicrobial sensitivity tests to select suitable antimicrobial agents.
- Perform commonly employed bed-side tests for detection of infectious agents such as blood film for malaria, filaria, gram staining and AFB staining and stool sample for ova cyst.
- Use the correct method of collection, storage and transport of clinical material for micro-biological investigations.
?The student should understand infectious diseases of national importance in relation to the clinical, therapeutic and preventive aspects.
Outline of the Course Content:
The teaching hours for Pathology course will be 300 hrs., which Includes Lectures, Practicals, Tutorials, Demonstrations & Seminars. Broad distribution of teaching hours is as given below:
Didactic Lectures
Group learning sessions
Interactive review sessions
Seminars & Symposium
Integrated T-L sessions
- Introduction to Microbiology
- Introduction to Bacteriology
- Bacterial Staining and Cultivation
- Common Tests for Bacterial identification
- Introduction to parasitology
- Introduction to Virology
- Laboratory Diagnosis of Viral Infection
- Introduction to Mycology
- Common Laboratory Methods for Diagnosis of Fungal Infections
- Collection of Transport of Samples
- Host-Parasite relationship
- Bacterial AND Viral Genetics
- Immunodiagnosis
- Vaccines
- Sterilization and disinfection
- Bacteriology of water and air
- Microorganisms associated with gastrointestinal infections.
- Gastrointestinal infections caused by parasites.
Key Specialist