Anaesthesiology refers to the practice of administering medications or gases that block the feeling of pain and other sensations. This allows medical and surgical procedures to be undertaken without causing undue discomfort to the patients. The department of Anesthesia at Rajshree Hospital is deeply committed to helping the community. It delivers education, conducts research and provides state-of-the art clinical care to patients and families in all aspects of anesthesia, perioperative medicine, critical care and pain management. It is being efficiently run by well-qualified doctors. It is committed to excellence in teaching and research, as well as providing quality healthcare and improved perioperative outcomes to its patients. The department of Anaesthesiology has a well coordinated acute pain management service, with active research programmes. It is also actively involved in various community services.
Key Features:
- Foster an Institutional culture of safety
- Enhance the health and well being of everyone in community
- Multidisciplinary team of doctors, anesthetists and other clinicians
- Focus on maximizing safety, minimizing discomfort
- State-of-the art clinical care before, during and after surgery and procedures
- Exemplary care for patients
- Continuous quality improvement initiatives
Key Specialist