Pathology, a constantly growing and changing field, plays a key role in the diagnosis and research of disease and the monitoring of treatment. The department of pathology started with establishment of Rajshree Institute and is awell-equipped department with talented and dedicated academic and clinical staff that provides exceptional clinical laboratory services and medical education to both their patients and students. The objective of the department is to improve the diagnosis, treatment and basic understanding of human disease by clinical service, education and research.
The pathology department at Rajshree Medical Research Institute is vibrant and engaged department, with members who are providing outstanding clinical service to its patients, educating future physicians & scientists and contributing to the understanding of health and disease. The goal of teaching pathology is to provide comprehensive knowledge of the causes and mechanisms of disease, in order to enable them to achieve complete understanding of the natural history and clinical manifestations of the disease. To achieve this goal, the department follows a course curriculum laid down by the University and also carries out different investigations.
Pedagogy & Facilities
The department engenders perseverance and sincerity in all its students with all efforts made to deepen the practical knowledge and develop a scientific temper. The department conducts theory and practical classes in a structured manner with students being informed about the schedule well in advance. The student performance is monitored by conducting revision classes, class tests, tutorials, sessional examinations and model exams before the university examination. The department also conducts regular student’s feedback which provides adequate inputs to design the curriculum regularly. The Clinical Laboratories offer state of the art diagnostic and consultation services to the academic and community healthcare providers. Pathologists are sub-specialized with expertise in every discipline of pathology and laboratory medicine. The pathology laboratory has various sections such as histopathology, hematology, clinical pathology, cytopathology, frozen section and immunohistochemistry. The Blood Bank also functions under the department of Pathology and provides blood as well as blood components.
Key Features
- Provides a wide range of educational opportunities
- Offers expert diagnostic services and cutting-edge translational research
- Advance basic science, translational and clinical research in pathology and related fields
- Provides quality blood products to patients
- Contribute to the success of Rajshree Medical Research Institute & Rajshree Hospital and to the well being of all people and communities.
- Improve healthcare through timely and cost-effective laboratory testing
Pathology involves the study of diseases e.g. infections and cancers, at the genetic, molecular, cellular, and organ levels. It is a medical specialty that focuses on making diagnoses and examines-
- How and why diseases develop,
- The disease process – what happens to our bodies when we are ill,
- The effects of diseases, including their symptoms and complications.
It plays a critical role in clinical diagnoses and guides many of the decisions around the optimal treatment for patients. The subject of pathology involves examination of various disease processes such as inflammation (including infections), wound healing and cancer, in-depth study of many fascinating and important disorders such as meningitis, tuberculosis, auto-immune diseases, congenital diseases, a variety of cancers, HIV/AIDS, heart disease, asthma, musculoskeletal diseases and the human version of ‘mad cow disease’. Students become familiar with examining both macroscopic specimens and the microscopic differences between normal and abnormal cells, tissues and organs. In our modern teaching facilities, much of the study of microscopic abnormalities is undertaken using computer-based “virtual” microscopy.
Teaching –Learning Methodology:
The pathology subject is taught in three semesters of six months each, comprises of 300 teaching hours, adopting integrated approach in combination with other Para clinical and clinical subjects. The faculty formulate the learning objectives based on the course objectives and use appropriate T-L methodology for training sessions, which includes didactic lectures, tutorials, lecture cum demonstration, interactive lectures, problem solving session, and structured quiz session on pathophysiology of common diseases.
Laboratory sessions include hands on skill development for hematological investigation, histological characteristics of different cells and tissue preparation, cytology and pathological autopsies.
Course Objectives:
At the end of the course, the student should be able to :-
- Describe the structure and ultrastructure of a sick cell, mechanisms of cell degeneration, cell death and repair and be able to correlate structural and functional alterations. ?
- Explain the pathophysiological processes which govern the maintenance of homeostasis, mechanisms of their disturbance and the morphological and clinical manifestations associated with it. ?
- Describe the mechanisms and patterns to tissue response to injury such that she/he can appreciate the pathophysiology of disease processes and their clinical manifestations.
- Correlate normal and altered morphology (gross and microscopic) of different organ systems in common diseases to the extent needed for understanding of disease processes and their clinical significance.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to:-
- Describe the rationale and principles of technical procedures of the diagnostic laboratory tests and interpretation of the results;
- Perform the simple bed-side tests on blood, urine and other biological fluid samples;
- Draw a rational scheme of investigations aimed at diagnosing and managing the cases of common disorders;
- Understand biochemical/physiological disturbances that occur as a result of disease in collaboration with pre clinical departments.
At the end of training he/she should be able to integrate the causes of disease and relationship of different etiological factors (social, economic and environmental) that contribute to the natural history of diseases most prevalent in India.
Outline of the Course Content:
The teaching hours for Pathology course will be 300 hrs., which Includes Lectures, Practicals, Tutorials, Demonstrations & Seminars. Broad distribution of teaching hours is as given below:
Didactic Lectures
Group learning sessions
Interactive review sessions
Seminars & Symposium
Integrated T-L sessions
Course Contents:
(A) General Pathology
1. Introduction to Pathology
2. Cell Injury
3. Amyloidosis and Calcification
4. Inflammations and Repair
5. Circulatory Disturbances
6. Growth Disturbances and Neoplasia
8.Infectious Diseases
9. Miscellaneous Disorders
(B) Systemic Pathology
1. Cardiovascular Pathology
2. Respiratory Pathology
3.Urinary Tract Pathology
4. Pathology of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract
6. Liver and Biliary Tract Pathology
7. Lymphoreticular System
8. Reproductive System
10.Endocrine Pathology
(C) Practicals
a) Identify and interpret the gross and/or microscopic features of common disorders as given above.
b) Perform with accuracy and reliability basic hematological procedures such as hemoglobin estimation, total and differential WBC count and peripheral blood smear staining, examination and report.
c) Calculate the indices and interpret the relevant significance.
d) Perform the basic laboratory haematological tests like bleeding time and clotting time
e) Perform a complete examination of the urine and detect any abnormalities
f) Grouping and cross matching of blood
g) Collect and dispatch clinical samples from patients in a proper manner
h) Interpret abnormal biochemical laboratory values of common diseases
Key Specialist