Operation Theaters
The Hospital has a Central ten O.T. Complex and separate two O.T. Complex for Gyanecology cases. The Theaters are well equipped with equipment such as Microscopes, Modern O.T. Light, C-ARM, Laproscope & Endoscopy for all kinds of Laproscopic and Endoscopic Surgeries. It has a wide range of instrumentation to carry out simplest to complex surgeries. Separate sterilization Unit for O.T is also available.The Rajshree Hospital has separate “Operation Theatre Complex” consisting of 10 ultramodern Operation Theatre and additionally 02 operation Theatres for Gynaecology cases. The Operation Theatres are equipped with Microscopes, Modern OT Light, C-ARM, Laproscope and Endoscopy. It has a wide range of most modern equipment to carry out critical surgeries.